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    إدارة الموقع

Fanny's Song In Outlander Season 7 Doesn't Prove Claire's Faith Theory The Way She Thinks It Does

الاعضاء الذين تم تكريمهم لهذا الشهر
العضو الاكثر نشراً للمواضيع
العضو الاكثر ردوداً
الموضوع الاكثر زيارة
الموضوع الاكثر تفاعلا


prince of the universe
طاقم الإدارة

مزاجك اليوم

A particular song in Outlander season 7's finale led Claire to believe that her daughter Faith lived, but the evidence here isn't great. In the final moments of this episode, Claire overheard Fanny Pocock singing the 20th-century song "I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside." This led her to conclude that Fanny's mother, Faith, was her own daughter. Of course, there were other details throughout Outlander season 7 that helped Claire develop this theory. The song from the future was just the final piece of the puzzle—but Outlander season 8 will have to do better than that.
Angel Shaw