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    إدارة الموقع

Mark Wahlberg & Mel Gibson's New Action Movie Has Critics & Audiences Very Divided On Rotten Tomatoes

الاعضاء الذين تم تكريمهم لهذا الشهر
العضو الاكثر نشراً للمواضيع
العضو الاكثر ردوداً
الموضوع الاكثر زيارة
الموضوع الاكثر تفاعلا


prince of the universe
طاقم الإدارة

مزاجك اليوم

Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg teamed up for a recent action movie, but it has been dividing audiences. Gibson is a controversial but renowned director. Though he began his career as an actor, he eventually shifted into directing and producing, as he worked on Braveheart (1995), The Passion of the Christ (2004), Apocalypto (2006), and Hacksaw Ridge (2016). He is currently working on Passion of the Christ's two-part sequel, The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection. The first part is set to be released on April 18, 2025.
Lukas Shayo