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    إدارة الموقع

Why John Lithgow & Olivia Colman Felt "Great Responsibility" While Filming Jimpa Explained By Sundance Movie Cast

الاعضاء الذين تم تكريمهم لهذا الشهر
العضو الاكثر نشراً للمواضيع
العضو الاكثر ردوداً
الموضوع الاكثر زيارة
الموضوع الاكثر تفاعلا


prince of the universe
طاقم الإدارة

مزاجك اليوم

When Hannah (Olivia Colman) visits her father Jim (John Lithgow) in Amsterdam, she learns that her nonbinary child Frances (Aud Mason-Hyde) hopes to live with their grandfather (affectionately known as "Jimpa") for their junior year of high school. Though their hometown of Adelaide, Australia has always been home for Hannah, Frances has begun to feel alienated by classmates as their gender identity takes shape. Jimpa is writer-director Sophie Hyde's brainchild, based partially on her own family life, and casting her literal child as the star lends the movie even more of a familial, lived-in feel.
Tatiana Hullender