• عزيزي العضو

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    إدارة الموقع

The Walking Dead Already Proved The CRM Was Wrong About Humanity Ending In 14 Years

الاعضاء الذين تم تكريمهم لهذا الشهر
العضو الاكثر نشراً للمواضيع
العضو الاكثر ردوداً
الموضوع الاكثر زيارة
الموضوع الاكثر تفاعلا


prince of the universe
طاقم الإدارة

مزاجك اليوم

The Civic Republic Military attempted to create an elite society due to fears that humanity would end in 14 years, but The Walking Dead has already proven this isn't the case. After years of being built as the deadliest faction in the entire franchise, the CRM's Walking Dead plan was finally revealed in The Ones Who Live, which involved wiping out other communities and taking their resources so that the Civic Republic could thrive. Their mission saw them slaughter innocent civilians and even take out allied communities, all so they could preserve their settlement and plan for the future.
Kyle McLeod