• عزيزي العضو

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    إدارة الموقع

Different spelling between English And American

الاعضاء الذين تم تكريمهم لهذا الشهر
العضو الاكثر نشراً للمواضيع
العضو الاكثر ردوداً
الموضوع الاكثر زيارة
الموضوع الاكثر تفاعلا

these are some different spelling
between two nations
I found this topic in another website
and I bring it here for increase


Words which have
our in British English often have – or in
American English


W0rds ending in _ tre in British English often end in _ ter in American


In American English the l is only doubled if the last syllable is stressed




The British and the American use different W0rds for some things




[align=center]Thank you a lot for this topic

there are some differences between britsh and american englsh

some differences in the spelling and some in the word itself

it's great that you bring them here to know about it

Mashallah. So nice & organized topic. You remind me of school days.. schedules & stuff :) I guess we studied all that in the high school.. but stiill
thanks to you for reminding us..
and yeah btw I have some differences like organization in American & in Brittish it is organisation...

Thanks Moshakes
as we know the britsh language it's the pure one

but for us i guess the american it's much easier to pronounce

and one day i was talking to my mother by english lool and i was using american words and accent heheh she said please don't use rude language with me heheheh

thanks moshaks
